A Selection of images, work and inspiration

Having spent over thirty years working with clay, this wonderful material, the ability to work three dimensionally continues to excite and amaze me. The progression of my work moved me to start experimenting with porcelain about ten years ago. This was a baptism of fire for the techniques I use! An engineering challenge, I persevered and found this new material, proffered translucency and light complimenting my techniques and pierced surfaces. I thrive on pushing boundaries and seeing what I can achieve. I am still learning throughout the processes of wedging, throwing, sculpting, glazing and firing, yet find that porcelain interprets my designs fluently. 

I live a short distance from the South East Coast. With a wonderful group of friends I swim practically every morning at 7 throughout the year, this is more spasmodic these days, I've taken up wingfoiling on the sea instead. I am spoilt for inspiration.

These first pots are from 1982 when I was first getting to know clay and had school exams to work towards. The images provide snippets in chronological order showing the changes in my work over the years with the underlying continuity that has remained and developed.

Scraffitto and Slipware


New Zealand

Kingsdown, Kent

Beach and cliffs



Sailing and swimming